Monday 18 November 2013

Final Magazine Questionnaire

Please tick answers where appropriate

1.       Please specify your gender
Male      [     ]
Female  [     ]

2.       Please specify your age range
0-12    [     ]
13-16  [     ]
17-21  [     ]
22-30  [     ]
31-40  [     ]
41+     [     ]

3.       How much would you be willing to spend on a music magazine?
Less than £1  [     ]
£1-£1.99        [     ]
£2-£2.99        [     ]
£3-£3.99        [     ]
£4+                [     ]

4.       What kind of music genres do you listen to? (select more than one if needed)
Pop                                                   [     ]
Rock                                                 [     ]
Rap and Hip-Hop                              [     ]
R&B                                                  [     ]
Electronic (dance, dubstep etc)        [     ]
Other (please specify)  _________________________

5.       Who are your favourite music artists? (select more than one if needed)
Lady Gaga           [     ]
Rihanna               [     ]
Eminem               [     ]    
One Direction      [     ]
Beyonce              [     ]
Arctic Monkeys   [     ]
Jay-Z                   [     ]        
Avicii                    [     ]
Lana Del Rey       [     ]
Green Day           [     ]
Calvin Harris        [     ]
Skrillex                 [     ]
Other (please specify)  _________________________

6.       What is the most eye-catching feature on a magazine front cover?
The picture       [     ]
The masthead  [     ]
The headline     [     ]
The banner       [     ]
Other (please specify)  _________________________

7.       What would persuade you to buy a music magazine? (select more than one if needed)
The featured artist(s)   [     ]
The price                     [     ]
Free gifts                     [     ]
The headline               [     ]
The brand name          [     ]
Other (please specify)  _________________________

8.       Which colour scheme is best suited to a mainstream music magazine?
Black and white   [     ]
Red and black      [     ]
Green                  [     ]
Dark blue            [     ]
Light blue            [     ] 
Other (please specify)  _________________________

9.       Which music magazines do you currently read regularly? (select more than one if needed)
NME       [     ]
Q            [     ]
Vibe        [     ]
Mojo        [     ]
Kerrang   [     ]
None       [     ]
Other (please specify)  _________________________

10.    Do you prefer a front cover to be busy (example A) or simple (example B)?
Simple  [     ]
Busy     [     ]                                   
                                                         A.                                            B.

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