Sunday 10 November 2013

Brand Identities and Brand Values of NME and Q Magazine


Both NME magazine and Q Magazine are aimed at mainstream audiences and cover popular music artists and genres. I am aiming to make my own magazine fairly similar to these magazines. 

Brand Identity
Brand Identity is how all the elements and features that contribute to the visual appearance of the magazine come together to distinguish the magazine and make it recognisable to the reader.
Both magazines have very clear brand identities which are demonstrated on their front covers. They both have clear colour schemes which feature prominent, bright colours such as red and white.
 NME, in particular, features very bright, warmer colours on their front cover which also appears to have a very busy front cover which seems to have a lot going on. This gives the impression that the magazine is 'jam-packed' with lots of different features.
Q Magazine features a lot of very big, well-known artists on their front cover such as Lady Gaga, Michael Jackson and Cheryl Cole. This exemplifies the impression that Q Magazine is all about quality, popular music.
All of these features give the impression that both NME and Q Magazine are cool, modern, interesting and exciting. 

Brand Values
Brand values are things deemed important by the brand, like the things it stands for and represents.
NME, for example, stands for New Musical Express which clearly reiterates their emphasis on new music. This gives the impression that they value new and upcoming bands and artists and try to promote them as much as possible. 
Q Magazine clearly values quality music and tries to show this by presenting itself as a quality and very sightly more formal magazine, however through the use of bright colours we can also see that Q values youthful new music too and wants to portray itself as exciting.  

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