Wednesday 27 November 2013

Magazine Questionnaire Results and Statistics

I tried to get roughly the same amount of males and females to take part in my survey because I am hoping to design my magazine to be aimed at both males and females.

A very large majority of my survey participants were aged between 17-21 years old because this is the age bracket that I believe will be most interested in the music genres featured in my magazine, e.g. rap/hip-hop.
This question was featured in order to give me a better understanding of what socio-economic brackets my target audience fall into. £2-2.99 was by far the most popular answer and almost nobody chose the more expensive options which gave me a fairly good idea about what class my main audience are a part of.
This reiterated to me that the most popular genres to my target audience are rap/hip-hop and popular electronic dance music. This enabled me to make a final decision on which genres will feature most heavily in my own music magazine.
This gives me a very good idea about which artists and music styles are most popular amongst the people in my target audience. I can clearly see that the most regularly chosen artists from my list were Arctic Monkeys, Avicii, Jay Z and Calvin Harris. Seeing as 3 out of the 4 most popular artists are pop and/or hip-hop artists this would once again suggest that these genres are the most popular for younger people.

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