Sunday 13 October 2013

Denotated Q Magazine Contents Page

The title of this contents page in Q magazine is very big and is written in a simple bold font. This makes it clear to the reader that this is the contents page.

The page is full of pictures of various different people and things. This is designed to add more detail to the title or article and also makes the more interesting and aesthetically pleasing.

Along with each picture relating to the articles there is a small summary and a page number reference. This is designed to give the reader a simple and easy way to quickly get to the articles that they are most interested in reading. The page references do not have to be in chronological order and are often put in order of which articles are expected to gain the most interested.

There is information regarding the date of release and the issue number towards the top of the contents page. This is featured in order to give the reader a brief idea about the time frame of the magazine and its contents.

This contents page was clearly designed using the house style and colours of Q magazine, which are red, black and white. This is designed to make it instantly recognisable and so that it matches the front cover and the rest of the magazine. There is also a clear flow that is structured to make the reader read in a circle around the main starbust in the middle of the page.

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