Saturday 15 March 2014

Examples of Page Furniture

Pull Quote - a quotation from an interview that is placed in larger, bold letters, it is usually important or controversial.

Drop Cap - a large letter at the very beginning of an article to clearly indicate where to start reading.

Stand First - an introductory paragraph or sentence in an article, printed in larger, bolder fonts or capitals which summarises the article.

Caption - a few words or short sentences which accompany an image in order to explain it or add extra information/details.

Folio/Slug - the magazine name, page number and issue date in the corner of the page.

Crosshead - information about the article subject which is normally inside a banner or arrow shape.

Byline - when the photographer or journalist is given credit somewhere on the double-page spread.

Head Sell - the main headline or quote which is the title of the double page spread.

Pull Quote

Head Sell & Byline